Fillers – Face Sculpting
Fillers can plump thin lips, enhance shallow contours, soften facial creases and wrinkles, or improve the appearance of recessed scars.
The visible signs of facial aging occur over time as a result of sun exposure, heredity and life style.
One of the earliest signs of aging is a loss of facial fullness and the development of wrinkles. Softening of these facial lines and the restoration of volume and fullness in the face often can be achieved non-surgically with injectable fillers.
If you would like to restore facial contours, or reduce the appearance of lines and creases, injection therapy with soft tissue fillers may be right for you.
Injectable fillers can:
Plump thin lips
Enhance shallow contours
Soften facial creases and wrinkles
Improve the appearance of recessed scars
Natural aging process makes the skin around the eyes thin and wrinkled. It also looses volume creating dark circles, bags and hollows beneath the eyes. Non invasive dermal fillers can be used to restore volume in the area around the eyes resulting in tighter firmer skin and hence a more youthful appearance.